Hel Churl 002b


Day 7

HC - 002b

(Fields) You see a large area of cultivated fields before you as the valley spreads out to form a wide flood plain. A large army which has been camped on the plain is leaving. Soldiers are marching down die road towards the south gate, while others are packing their equipment such as tents onto carts.

This is the army of Hel Churl marching on Wu Tze Lee.
The party may pass along the road and take no notice of the army. No one from the army will approach the party if they keep to themselves. Travel is difficult because of the amount of people aid carts on the road.
If they ask they will be told: a The army is going to Wu Tze Lee to destroy it. a The people from Hel Churl hate the people from Wu Tze Lee and they can destroy the city without fear of reprisal as it has been declared non-existent by the Emperor.
A levy runs down both sides of the river and there are waterwheels which are used to raise water onto the plain.


Back out the gates. If they fight.

Travel with the army from day 7. City of Hel Churl. Fly into the city.

HC-M-001.jpg (124690 bytes)

Map: HC-M-001 refers.


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(c) 1990, 2000, 2001 Brian Yap and Bradley Bush

03 February 2001

This web page is located @ https://tho.yewenyi.net/HC_002b.html