A newer wooden building well built with a
door and a window. The service counter is made of wood and 3' wide. On the internal side,
underneath the counter there are shelves, on which are a variety of (Customs associated)
forms. |

The players are expected to hand over their passports and
have them stamped. If anyone has lost their passport, they can have a new one issued here.
Cost is 40 g.p. |
The plain wooden box contains the seal of Hel Churl used to
stamp the passports. |
The three doors have locks. Key 780 will unlock them. |
The Customs Officer does not know anything of Yun Tin Kang. |
The Customs Officer does know: a Hang Wei Li is the general
in charge of the army. a The army is going to Wu Tze Lee to destroy it. a The goods in the
warehouse belong to Hang Bu Wei. They are to be taken to town and sold. |