Wing Ting Mai 902



All Days

WTM 902

(Fight in the Guard House)

1 The who are awake guards in the area will engage the party. The sleeping guards will begin to wake.
2 The guards who have woken up arm themselves. Guards on the other level enter the stairway.
3 All guards on this level engage the party as best they can. Guards from the other level arrive on the stairs and engage the party. This includes two sergeants.
4+ Fight continues.
If the players surrender they will be taken to Wing Ting Mai.
If the players win they have one turn to leave before another twelve guards return from duty.
50 Guards THACO: 16
#ATT: 1 Long Sword
DAM: 1d8
MOVE: 9"
AC: 5
SVM: 16
LEVEL: 4th Fighter
HP: 35 Each
2 Sergeants THACO: 13
#ATT: 1 Long Sword
DAM: 1d8+1
MOVE: 5"
AC: 3
SVM: 13
LEVEL: 7th Fighter
HP: 58 each


If they win or escape. City days 1 to 19.

If they win or escape. City days 20 to the end. If they surrender.

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(c) 1990, 2000, 2001 Brian Yap and Bradley Bush

30 December 2000

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