Yuen Wu Ye



Wizard: 10th Level Human

Strength: 12
Intelligence 18
Wisdom: 13
Dexterity: 15
Constitution 15
Charisma: 12
Open Doors 7 (on ('20)
Bend Bars 4%
System Shock 95%
Hit point adjustment +1
Defence adjustment +1
Day Vision normal
Move 12"

HP 36 (5,9,14, 18,20,23,25,29,32,36 at each level) AC:96

Weapon : Dagger, Dart & Spells

AC 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10
dagger & dart 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Enchanted Blade 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20
Fire Shuriken 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20
Damage: Dagger S-M 1d4; L 1d3
Dart S-M 1d3; L 1d2
Enchanted Blade Max of 10d6 spread over 1 to 10 attacks.

(4x1, 4x2, 3x3, 2x4, 1x5):

L1. Cloud Ladder (OA 75)
L1. Elemental Burst (OA 75)
L1. Ghost Light (OA 75)
L1. Magic Missile (PH 136)
L1. Message (PH 136)
L1. Read Magic (PH137)
L1. Spider Climb (PH 138)
L1. Warp Wood(OA 77)
L2. Detect invisibility (PH 141)
L2. Enchanted Blade (OA 78)
L2. Fire Shuriken (OA 79)
L2. Rope Trick (PH 145)

L2. Smoky Form (OA 80)
L2. Web (PH 146)
L3. Fire Wings (OA 83)
L3. Haste (PH 149)
L3. Magnetism (OA 83)
L3. Protection From Normal Missiles (PH 152)
L3. Tongues (PH 153)
L4. Confusion (PH 154)
L4. Metal Melt (OA 86)
L4. Vengeance (OA 87)
L5. Dismissal (PH 167)

L5. Fire Breath (OA 88)
L5. Shadow Door (PH 171)

Animal Handling 12
Brewing 18
Cooking 18
Direction Sense 14
Endurance 15
Fire-building 12
Fishing 12
Leatherwork 18
Navigation 16
Reading & Writing 19
Riding, Land-based 16
Rope Use 15
Swimming 12
Weather Sense 12


Age: 40
Apparent age: 45
Weight: 110lb
Sex: Male
Religion: Taoist

Saving throws:

Paralysation, Poison: 13
Petrification, Polymorph: 11
Rod,Staff,Wand: 9
Breath Weapon: 13
Spell: 10

Magic Equipment:

Gong of Ironwood
Ring of Fire Resistance



1 x Dagger
12 x Darts
2 x Weeks Rice Cake Rations
2 x Water Skins
1 x Belt & Large Pouch
2 x Clothes
1 x Robe, woollen
1 x Sandals
1 x Toe Socks
1 x Fur Vest
1 x Oil Skin
1 x pair High Hard Boots
1 x Leather Backpack
1 x Bedding & Sleeping Bag
1 x Large Bag, Waterproof
1 x Passport
1 x Billy
1 x Blanket Coarse
1 x Spellbook
1 x Chopsticks
1 x Fishing Line & Hooks
1 x Fishing Net
1 x Tinderbox, Flint & Steel
1 x Mapping Equipment
1 x Lantern, Bullseye


You grew up in the same village as Yun Tin Kang ( the ex-Emperor's Wizard) and the differences could not have been more Pronounced. Yun Tin Kang was always running things, gaining power and influencing people. When the men from the imperial college came along on the traditional search for new wizards they chose Yun Tin Kang.

You left the village dejected, certain that there must be better uses for magic other than power and vice. At the town of Liang you joined the local magic school and there met up with Tang Li Bing. You became good friends with Li Bing and Xue Shu Chong. The three of you travelled on several adventures in your early days.

You were in the same class as another wizard called Wu Tze Lee. You became friends and used to challenge each other to spell duelling contests. Many strange events from around this time in and around Liang were a direct result of these contests.

One day when travelling on your own in the Ice Deserts to the north of the Middle Kingdom you found a caravan heading south being attacked by Ice Giants. Using magic you saved the day. In the caravan was the famed fortune teller Wen Cha Lin. She offered to tell you your fortune as part of the offering the caravan made to you for saving their lives. She said "You will travel far and wide Yuen Wu Ye, always learning more till you become the greatest magician in all of the Middle Kingdom. Tang Li Bing will be your leader. What you have always scorned will be your place in life. Scorn it no more but seek to learn."

Still you travelled, but now you not only sought the ways of magic but the ways of man.

Recently the balance of the world of men has been shifting. (This in turn has been affecting the world of nature.) You have returned to Liang to seek advice from your old master and offer Tang Li Bing any aid you can. You have already seen too many towns destroyed.

When you returned you found that Bing had been searching for you. Upon attending his castle, you found that Bing was collecting a group together to venture to Nu Gong Zao.

The situation in the capital has reached crisis point with the Ming Emperor losing control of the country.

You were pleased to be with Bing and Xue Shu Chong again and very happy to see Wen Cha Lin. During the journey, you have become familiar with the companions you didn't previously know, Fang Then Shang and Hou Shou Shi.

In the City you soon became aware the situation was deteriorating. Your friend, Wu Tze Lee, now the Emperor's Magician had stolen the Three Heavenly Opals. This will be the final stumbling block for the Ming Emperor. This is your chance to help Bing to the throne and your rightful place beside him.


Under the exterior of a tough wizard is a fun loving person. The rigours of life have caused you to be very very careful, but when with close friend's you open up. (ED: most of the party are close friends.)


Wen Cha Lin : Cha Lin is the most impressive and famous fortune teller you have ever met. You have no doubt of her ability. Other than that you barely know hen

Hao Shou Shi : A lot of fun but still a child. His approach to life means you must always be on the look out for him least he get himself injured or killed.

Tang Li Bing: A trusted and reliable friend who allows you to relax and be yourself. You have full confidence in his ability to be Emperor

Xue Shu Chong: Your relationship has remained on a formal level. You will support him when it is mutually beneficial.

Fang Zhen Shang You do not trust her claim of amnesia. She is extremely wary of you and the advice you give and seems to have an underlying, intangible dislike for you.

Home Up


[ Up ] [ Fang Zhen Shang ] [ Hou Shu Shi ] [ Tang Li Bing ] [ Wen Cha Lin ] [ Xue Shu Chong ] [ Yuen Wu Ye ] [ Player's Handout 001 ] [ Player's Handout 002 ] [ Player's Handout 003 ] [ Player's Handout 004 ] [ Player's Handout 005 ] [ Player's Handout 006 ] [ Player's Handout 007 ] [ Player's Handout 010 ] [ Player's Handout 011 ] [ Player's Handout 012 ] [ Player's Handout 013 ] [ Player's Handout 014 ] [ Player's Handout 015 ] [ Player's Handout 016 ] [ Player's Handout 017 ] [ Player's Handout 018 ] [ Player's Handout 019 ] [ Player's Handout 020 ] [ Player's Handout 021 ] [ Player's Handout 022 ] [ Player's Handout 023 ] [ Player's Handout 024 ] [ Player's Handout 025 ] [ Player's Handout 026 ] [ Player's Handout 027 ]

(c) 1990, 2000, 2001 Brian Yap and Bradley Bush

02 January 2001

This web page is located @ https://tho.yewenyi.net/yuen-1.html