Wu Tze Lee 007b



Days 11 to 13

WTL 007b

(Camp Five) You enter an enormous underground cavern. There must be hundreds of thousands of people down here. They look like they are preparing for a counter attack. Many soldiers stand guard.

Day 11 only: If the players are visible they only have two options, go back up the way they came or join the queue at the desk. Because of the confusion above they will be assigned to a new unit, even though they were never part of one. If they try to stay as civilians then they will be given two choices, sign up or be evicted by some method such as being thrown off the top of the Keep.
There is a state of controlled anarchy in the whole cavern. The units are preparing for a major counter attack and every effort is being put towards that goal. Any problems are met with summary justice dealt out on the spot by the local commander.

Main Entrance. If they are in the cavern when it becomes day 14. Registration on day 11 only.
Tunnels. If they start a fight.
WTL-M-005.jpg (121730 bytes) Map: WTL-M-005 Refers.

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(c) 1990, 2000, 2001 Brian Yap and Bradley Bush

02 January 2001