Please read this section before you read the rest of the dungeon. This module is different in several respects from most previous Arcanacon Modules. It comes in several sections. These are:
The Player Characters Section contains all the information given to the players. There is no additional information on the player characters. The Module/Scenario Section explains what is going on in the module as a whole and each individual scenario. The module is quite complex in parts and has several sections which operate in parallel. The players usually can choose one of several available options. If you have difficulty when running a scenario as to what to do next when the players do something really outrageous, please keep the scenario objectives in mind. The Tournament Module consists of two parts. The first is an index referred to as the MAIN INDEX. This index tells you where to start the various scenarios depending on the various parameters such as date, direction of approach or mode of approach. The second part contains all the individual scenarios. Each part of the world has its own scenario. A few of the important NPCs also have their own scenarios. The tournament module has a special page numbering system. Each part is prefixed with a letter or letters based on where or what section it is associated with. For example the section describing the capital Nu Gong Zao is marked as NGZ followed by the page number. This page number appears on the outside corner of the page. (Like the word Preamble does on this page.) The next page has more information on how the Tournament section is laid out. The Player Handout Section contains all player handouts required for the module. A set of these will be provided separately for each team so that you can hand them rut as required. The Map Section has all the maps required for each scenario. The main map of the world is actually located in the main INDEX. The Non-Player Characters Section gives additional information on major nonplayer characters. The DM's Guide Supplement and Monster Manual Supplement contains all the extra information which you would normally expect to find in these books but which is specific to the dungeon. Instructions:The tournament is to be played in three two and a half hour sessions. The first and second sessions flow from one to the next At the beginning of the third session Yun Tin Kang is used to give all the teams the three opals so they can complete the module. At the beginning of each session all characters have full hit points and all dead
characters are "resurrected" as they are assumed not to have died in the
previous session. The characters also begin the session with a full complement of spells. Except as noted explicitly in the module; this module uses the second edition set of AD&D rules (Players Hand Book and Dungeon Masters Guide only). Where there is no second edition rule then Oriental Adventures rules are used as references. The rules in the DM's Guide override the AD&D standard rules for all situations in this module unless the specific encounter indicates otherwise. No DM should contravene these rules as it would severely unbalance the module and give the particular group an unfair advantage or disadvantage. PreambleThe tournament module contains the following types of descriptions. Text Boxes
Normally there is one of these at the start of each encounter. NPC/Monster Stats
THACO : Roll needed to hit armour class zero. SIZE: Size of Monster. #ATT : Number of attacks per round. MOVE: Movement rate. DAM: Damage per attack. AC : Armour class. SVM : Save versus all types of magic, Paralysation etc HP : Hit points. MR: Magic Resistance. SPECIAL: Special abilities. LEVEL: Level of NPC. Combat events
Encounter information
Next Encounter Buttons .
(c) 1990, 2000, 2001 Brian Yap and Bradley Bush 16 December 2000 This web page is located @ https://tho.yewenyi.net/Preamble.htm |