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No specific alignments are given, though the characters possess intrinsic alignments
from their backgrounds and personalities. If a character acts out of alignment then
penalise them in their role playing score.
All armour in this world is made of wicker or bamboo with leather ties. There is no
metal in the armour except the helmets which are made of iron. All NPCs with an armour
class of below four have these metal helmets. All other NPCs have no helmet.
Back Stabbing
No member has backstabbing as an ability. They cannot backstab anyone, though they
still get the attack from the rear bonus, if attacking from the rear.
Calligraphy is the only Oriental Adventure non-weapon proficiency that we have given to
any of the players.
The Reading/Writing proficiency allows the character to read and write their own
language. Calligraphy is the skill to write their own language in a fancy manner, like the
skill of a signwriter. The rogue's read languages skill is a skill aimed at reading
languages that the character does not understand.
All NPCs and monsters are considered dead when they reach zero hit points. All player
characters are dead when they reach negative their constitution. (For Fang Zien Shang when
in owl form this is her human constitution score.)
Divine Intervention
Divine intervention is occurring all through the module. The characters will never be
able to get divine intervention at their own request.
Flying Creatures
Creature capable of flying can do so at full capability as long as they have positive
hit points.
Fortune Telling
Wen Cha Lin has the ability to do fortune telling as a non-weapon proficiency.
This skill allows her to tell the fortune of anyone whose future is not closely
associated with her own. (The telling of Yuen Wu Ye's was an exception to this rule
allowed by the Heavenly Bureaucracy).
To use the skill she must roll her proficiency. If she fails her roll it means that the
future is too muddy to predict.
To determine a NPCs fortune talk into what is happening in this area. (e.g. Most people
in Wu Tze Lee will probably die in the near future.) Then roll 1d100, the higher the
result the more favourable their fortune.
Wen Cha Lin does not have to tell the NPC that her prediction has failed or the truth
about what she sees. In fact part of her skill is to only tell the NPCs the sections that
they will like and leave out the bad sections unless they are really important.
Hand To Hand Combat
The only hand to hand combat allowed is that provided by martial arts in Oriental
Adventures. A character who does not have martial arts skill ability specifically noted
does not have any martial arts abilities.
Only characters with herb knowledge as a non-weapon proficiency can find herbs of any
use and know their purpose. No character can add this proficiency to anyone else's
Any character seeing an illusion which has been pre-cast is not entitled to a saving
throw unless they say they are disbelieving. If something unrealistic happens involving an
illusion (such as an arrow flying through a wall) then the character will automatically
detect the illusion as being an illusion. An illusion which has been detected is still
visible to the character, but becomes translucent
Use the standard initiative rules in the second edition without any of the options.
That is, both sides roll 1d10. The lowest roll goes first. If they are the same then every
thing occurs simultaneously. Spell casters use the group roll. They will not have their
spells disrupted unless the caster dies. The only modifiers are as per table 55 in the
Players Handbook (page 94).
Item Saving Throws
All items which are to be given to the players will make their saving throws under all
The primary type of sea transport in the Ming period is the junk. The Mings built the
largest junks, up to five masts (in the module only the Ming navy has junks this large)
and several hundred feet long.
Key Numbers
By command of the Imperial Bureaucracy all keys and locks in the Addle Kingdom are made
by the Central Lock Making Agency and sold to outsiders. As these locks are magically made
they are better than any others and everyone tends to use them. The owner of a lock must
be registered, though anyone can have keys. The locks do not have a number on them, the
keys do.
072 Dormitories and Temporary Storage Rooms WTL 016.
177 Watch house WTL 030.
209 Unknown WTM 033.
212 Door: Slave's Quarters WTM 033.
213 Door WTM 019, WTM 020.
228 Treasury Entrance WTL 017a, WTL
366 Conference Room doors WTL 015a, WTL
399 Gondola & Chests NGZ 005.
402 Door WTL 1001.
460 Central Keep WTL 006a, WTL 006b.
470 Ambush Room WTL 019.
503 Secret Door WTL 9000, WTL 9001.
507 Trap Door WTL 1001.
521 Iron door WTL 9000, WTL 1004.
613 Front entrance to Jade Mines CC 002.
626 Conference Room doors WTL 014.
721 Chest HC 006b.
728 Command Level WTL 012.
780 Doors HC 006a, HC 006b.
807 Unknown WTM 033.
869 Door HC 007.
882 Trap Door NGZ 002.
Magic Resistance
Only applies to spells directly cast at the creature with the resistance.
Missile combat
When a missile weapon is fired into a melee combat, any miss may strike one of the
other participants. The attacker must roll to hit against all characters fighting the
opponent aimed at until a hit is registered or there are no more characters fighting the
original opponent.
Unless otherwise noted NPCs and monsters fight until they are dead.
Movement Rate
All characters have a movement rate expressed in inches. For a base rate of IT' this
would translate to 120' when inside or 120 yards outside. In reality characters can move
faster than this but then this is fantasy. When travelling across the world from town to
town the characters have the following movement rates regardless of terrain. Walk 1
Hex/Day, Sail 3 Hexes/Day and Fly 5 Hexes/Day. One hex is twenty four miles or forty
Oriental Adventures
We have only picked out parts of Oriental Adventures because the book is mostly based
on Japanese society. Chinese society is something closer to western society.
The most important difference is the difference in honour. While honour is important in
Chinese society, it follows a much more western view than the Japanese. No special honour
rules apply to this module, nor should any be, inferred.
Characters gain hit points at a rate of one per hour (two if anyone uses his healing
proficiency) when their score is greater then zero.
When their hit point score is zero or negative they regain hit points at a rate of one
per day (two if anyone uses his healing proficiency). No resting period is required for
characters who have had zero or negative hit point scores.
In this world people who die are reincarnated. As a result no resurrection or raise
dead spells are used by good people as they wreak the reincarnation process. There is a
land of the dead where people go after they die and before they are resurrected.
Any character who specifically state that they are searching an area will automatically
find anything that is hidden or concealed unless otherwise specifically stated in the
module. All searching (including finding traps) involves touching and tapping the area to
be searched.
Shi Ren
This is a character class for Wen Cha Lin. It is loosely based on a bard. (Shi Ren is a
Chinese translation for bard.) We have changed some of the bardic abilities to conform
with this module.
When flying the players can see one hex, except Fang Zien Shang who can see three
Characters can choose their spells at the time of casting. No reverse spell is allowed
unless the spell is listed in its reversed form on the character sheet.
All characters can swim well enough to swim fifty feet in bathers. They cannot swim any
more than this unless otherwise stated. Characters may stay afloat for a number of hours
equalling their constitution.
The era this module is based on is the Ming Dynasty in China. This empire represented
the pinnacle of Chinese culture and existed from 1368 to 1644.
Magnets were common.
Very large junks were built (See section on junks) in the 1400s.
We have limited gunpowder to the Ming army only as we did not have time to include a
set of rules and test them. Anyway, gunpowder mixed by hand in uncertain quantities is
probably more dangerous for the person firing it than the person at the receiving end.
Transcribing Spells
No character can learn a spell not listed specifically on their character sheet.
The following weapon is the only one we have added which is specific to this world.
Gunpowder propelled arrows
Gunpowder propelled arrows are the only weapon which uses the recently invented
gunpowder in the Middle Kingdom. The only side which has this invention is the Mings.
Prince Hei Ho Bang has purchased some for his fleet and armed his blips with them.
They have the same range as composite long bows (S = 6" M = 12"; L =
21") and are fired ten at a time in a single volley from a rack. The rack holds ten
in a single horizontal line and they all share a common fuse. Even if a hit is rolled only
2d4+2 of the missiles will strike the target. The rest will miss 50150 long and short. A
natural roll of one indicates that the missiles exploded at launch doing 2d6 damage to all
those within a twenty feet radius.
Windows do not have glass in them unless stated. They have shutters on the outside and
latticework (of various patterns) in lieu of glass. Pattern details depends on the wealth
of the person who bought the window.
This is a new character class we have invented specifically to fit into the background
of Hao Shou Shi. It is a combination of a fighter, a wizard and a rogue.
The following section restricts the way people play some spells as the designers are
concerned that some spells are abused in their usage, and highlights the way some of the
spells have changed now that Second Edition has been released. It is very important that
you use this section as it can severely imbalance and favour a team if you use a different
interpretation. The spells we listed in alphabetic order.
Detect Harmony (OA 58)
This spell does NOT DETECT HARMONY. It is an area of effect Know Alignment. It works by
telling them the relative ratios of good, evil, lawful and chaotic, no more.
Enchanted Blade(OA 78)
This spell takes ONE TURN to cast. Do not let the players fool you into thinking they
can cast several per combat.
Fiery Eyes(OA 75)
An opponent gets a Saving Throw before they lose initiative. They have to make this
Saving throw at the start of every round they attack the character with fiery eyes.
The - 1 on their Saying Throw does not apply to their Saving Throw vs this spell.
Haste(PH 149)
The caster cannot cause certain people to be affected. The spell works on who is
nearest to the centre of it up to the number of creatures selected or range.
Polymorph Self (PH 161)
This spell only gives the character the movement and breathing abilities of the
creature. NOTHING ELSE.
They can take on ANY FORM, not just that of an animal except:
 | The smallest they can be is the size of a wren. |
 | The largest they m be, is the size of a hippopotamus. |
Substitution (OA 64)
A substitution spell will absorb hit points damage that the player takes until it is
destroyed. The player will then take damage as normal.
It cannot be added to once it has taken damage.
Xue Shu Chong is assumed to have one on his person for a value of twenty points when
the module starts.
A new one cannot be created until the old one is destroyed.
Each time the spell is cast only the statue gains the ability to absorb another 1d4
points of damage. (So it will take Xue several days to create one with the maximum twenty
points of absorption.)
Web (PH 146)
A web spell cannot be cast as a blob. Likewise the strands will only be as wide as the
OPPOSING (like facing each other) surfaces. (eg. If a web is cast between two trees then
it is as deep as the trees are thick.) One piece of ground and another piece of ground ten
feet away are not opposing surfaces. A rope is not considered solid.
Chopsticks are commonly used as weapons in Chinese society. Magic chopsticks receive
the bonus specified on the To Hit Roll and the Damage Roll. They can be used for eating,
though there is a 10% chance minus the level of the user that they will impale the user's
mouth. (A roll of. 1% is always a fail.)
Chopsticks are fired at a rate of two per round in a single volley. (Both at once.)
Eight Diagram Coins
These coins are actually copper disks, each engraved with a specific symbol. When all
eight are tossed and the command word "Mingyun" is spoken, Wen Cha Lin can learn
the fate of another person not closely associated to herself.
Emperor's Banner
This magic item, when used in the Middle Kingdom, will make all those who view it treat
the bearer as if he were Emperor. They will not do anything to harm the bearer and will do
their best to ensure the safety of the bearer if this is required. The item can be used by
anyone. If the person is not Emperor or a likely candidate for Emperor then as soon as
that person releases the banner he will be attacked as an impostor. The banner is
controlled by the Heavenly Bureaucracy and any misuse will meet with their wrath.
Glow Stones
These are stones of any size or shape with a continual light spell cast on them. They
are quite common.
Gong of Ironwood
This magical gong has the ability to cast a magical spell similar to an Ironwood spell
once per day. The spell is cast by hitting the gong, while resting on the wood to be
altered, with the small striker provided. The gong can be used once per day.
This gong will only affect non-living wood. The effect is to cause 23 cubic feet to
become as hard as the finest grade steel. Colour, texture and weight are unaffected. The
effect is permanent until some magic is cast which reverses its effect such as Dispel
Magic, Wish etc...
Horn of summoning
The horn of summoning is used to summon mice. It will summon 1d100 mice.
Miner's Headband
This item appears as a normal white cloth headband with a one inch Ying-Yang symbol at
its centre. When worn the symbol gives off light in a conical beam stretching sixty feet
from the headband. The light is three feet wide at the end. The beam turns on and off
according to the user's need for light.
Portable Collapsible Wardrobe
This wardrobe appears as either a large five feet wide by six feet tall by two feet
deep wardrobe or as a small five inch wide by six inch high by two feet deep miniature of
a wardrobe. By constantly folding it in half or unfolding it it is possible to change the
wardrobe from one state to the other.
The interior of the wardrobe is a space, ten feet cubed, lined with hangers and
drawers. (Like an en suite.) Just inside the door is a Chinese screen and on the back wall
a large mirror.
The door to the wardrobe cannot be closed while a living creature is inside.
The weight of the wardrobe is 100GP regardless of what it carries.
Tea Set. Bone White
The tea set is a highly favoured device for telling fortunes. It has a plain tea pot
and six cups, all of the highest quality. It will only work with Lap San Shu Chong tea.
Once per week the user can make tea, and see a clue to guide that person in the near
future after the user(s) have drunk from the cup(s). The clues always tend to be cryptic
and are never more than six characters long.
For the purposes of this module Wen Cha Lin will see the following things as she looks
into the future.
- I Soldier Fight
- Salt Weed or Locust
- Capital
- Capital
- Capital
Three Heavenly Opals
The Three Heavenly Opals were made by a servant of the Jade Emperor and given as a gift
to the Ming Emperor. They have become a symbol of the right to rule the Middle Kingdom.
When separated they are three equal parts of a sphere one foot in diameter. Each part
is one primary colour with flecks of the other two in it. Individually they have no power.
When placed together by the legal Emperor of the Middle Kingdom they fuse to become a
black opal. When together they have the ability to influence the weather in a two thousand
kilometre radius. The user must be careful and skilled or they will very seriously upset
the weather balance and cause major unexpected side effects. (eg. rain in one place may
cause drought or floods in another.)
Wondrous Writing Set
This magical writing set comes in a lacquered box and contains a brush, inking stone
and inkwell with ink. It improves the user's calligraphy by +2. If die person has an
example of another's handwriting, a perfect forgery of that person's handwriting can be
produced on a successful calligraphy roll. The inkwell contains enough to write 1d4+1
pages. (The set in this module has enough for three pages.)
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