The gong indicates that the main gates to the Central Keep
have fallen. The troops race to a tunnel which has been kept to allow the men to escape.
There are about twenty thousand troops left in the cavern. |
About nineteen thousand are trying to get out via the
tunnel. The rate at which they can leave is twenty four every minute as this tunnel comes
out in a mountain valley not via a set of rungs as all the other tunnels have. It will
take fourteen hours for all the troops to leave the cavern. |
The one thousand troops left defending the camp will be able
to hold off the attacking force for about fifteen hours because of the narrow, easily
defended entrance to the cave. This will allow all nineteen thousand troops to escape
before the main entrance to the cavern falls. |
If the players decide within the first fifteen hours to
leave then they will be able to exit the cavern before it falls and escape. If they decide
to stay in the cavern after the entrance fails they will have to fight or be captured. |
The army from Hel Churl will capture the cavern and not
bother with the escape tunnel. They bring in a huge amount of wood and gunpowder and start
a very big fire. This fire causes so much damage that half the cavern caves in and
prevents any access to the Keep above. |