Wing Ting Mai 036



All Days

WTM 036

(House of Yang) This house is quite traditional and appears to be very well maintained.

(Knocking on the door) A servant girl opens the door to you. She bows and asks "How can 1 help you?".

She is young and quite humble.
She will not allow the party to enter the house.
The family are away from the city.
She does not know when they will return.
She has chores to do, so after three or four questions, she will say "I must return to my duties. Do you have a message to leave for the master?" She will take any message and close the door.
Standing around the corner of the room is a jade golem. It will activate if the serving girl gives the command word 'Tan Nao" or the room is entered without giving the command word "Peng You". If she is attacked she will say the command word. The golem will move into the corridor and block it. If it is not told to stop it will attack any strangers. The serving girl will use him to scare them away or, if necessary, attack them.
The house has two small bedrooms with sleeping mats and wardrobes. In the wardrobes are moderately expensive clothes. There is a small Buddhist shrine in each. The kitchen has a preparation table, oven and open fire. The sitting room has a table and sitting mats for ten people. The eating room has a large table, seating for twelve people and a large statue of a warrior in loin cloth [Golem]. The office has a desk and a chair. On the wall is a well crafted Katana and scabbard. Above the desk is a head of an Oni mounted on a board. On the desk are many papers relating to the Dancing School business that they run. It is doing well financially. The bare room has several musical instrument in one corner and a row of mirrors on another wall. The sign above the m~ says "Classical School of Dance".
Jade Golem THACO: 4
#ATT: 1
DAM: 4d8 Fist
MOVE: 6"
AC: 2
SVM: 7

HP: 71

Girl THACO: 20
#ATT: 1
DAM: 1 Fist
MOVE: 14"
AC: 10
SVM: 19
HP: 2

City days 1 to 19.

City days 20 to end. Leave the city.
WTM-M-001.jpg (245314 bytes) Map: WTM-M-001 refers.

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(c) 1990, 2000, 2001 Brian Yap and Bradley Bush

02 January 2001

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