Wing Ting Mai 043



All Days

WTM 043

(Secretary's Office)

This is a moderately appointed office with a desk and one chair. Sitting at the desk is a small weedy looking man. The guards stand at the back of the room. The man asks for your name and what you want. If the player requests a meeting with Wing Ting Mai he will ask for a reason. If an adequate reason is given, he will make an appointment for sundown on that day. If they cannot come up with an adequate reason he will say that Wing Ting Mai will have a full schedule for the next week and they could try again then. He will answer a couple of questions before becoming impatient. He knows the following:
Wing Ting Mai is the Lord of the City.
The city is called Wing Ting Mai.
Wing Ting Mai is a magician.
He was born here and took over the city many years ago.
He is an arrogant bully not to be aggravated, toyed with etc.
No one knows who his father is.
The junks are used for going to the Capital with goods.
They are rowed by Wing Ting Mai's slaves.
Wu Tze Lee was the Imperial Magician and stole the opals.
The slaves are kept in cells under the guard's quarters.
One opal is in the city with Wing Ting Mai.
Wu Tze Lee is dead. He was killed by the Imperial Bureaucracy.
Wing Ting Mai is currently busy working on a new spell to defend the city.
He rarely leaves the tower and relies on his General for news from the outside.
When the meeting is finished the guards will escort the character back to the front door.
Xia Mi Shu THACO: 18
#ATT: 1
DAM: 1d2 (Steel Quill)
MOVE: 9"
AC: -2
SVM: 17
LEVEL: 2 (Fighter)
Special: Has bracers of defence AC - 1. He is not wearing armour.

HP: 12

Front doors. Fight.
WTM-M-002.jpg (260280 bytes) Map: WTM-M-002 refers.

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(c) 1990, 2000, 2001 Brian Yap and Bradley Bush

31 December 2000

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