The character(s) is dumped in a cell with two other
prisoners. All their equipment except clothing is taken. If they did not kill any soldiers
they are told they will be released the following morning. If they did kill soldiers they
will be held for trial (effectively indefinitely). |
If they are still imprisoned on day 11 they will hear a loud
gong. A guard will come and open their cells. He will say that the city has fallen and
that they must escape now or be killed by the army of Prince Hei Ho Bang. |
All the doors in here are locked. Each guard has a single
key which fits all the locks. It is key 177. |
The guards will stay in their room at the end of the main
corridor. Every two hours they march up and down the corridor once, looking in the rooms
to see that all their prisoners are there. They do not particularly care if they are alive
or dead, just present. |
The two other prisoners in the cell are being held on drug
running charges. Since the city has been declared nonexistent all court hearings have been
cancelled and they are being held until they resume again after the war. Their names are:
Chi De Ran and Bai Gu Foa. They have no equipment. |