Wu Tze Lee 906



Days 1 to 13

WTL 906

(Fight at the Central Keep)

The guards will defend themselves and start arriving immediately. There are twenty guards already there when they start.
1 Four guards arrive.
3+ Four guards arrive each round. One sergeant arrives each third round. One lieutenant arrives each fifth round. The players can surrender, at any time during the combat, days 1 to 10 only and the combat will stop.
Days 1 to 10 only: If the players surrender the guards will take their weapons and march them to the city lockhouse. If they have not killed any soldiers they will be released the following morning. If they did kill some soldiers they will not be released at all. They must escape or they will be in the lockhouse when it is overrun.
400,000 Guards THACO: 16
#ATT: 1 Long Sword
DAM: 1d8
MOVE: 9"
AC: 5
SVM: 16
LEVEL: 4 (Fighter)
HP: 35 Each
20,000 Sergeants THACO: 13
#ATT: 1 Long Sword
DAM: 1d8+1
MOVE: 5"
AC: 3
SVM: 13
LEVEL: 7 (Fighter)
HP: 58 each
7,000 Lieutenants THACO: 10
#ATT: 2 Long Sword
DAM: 1d8+2
MOVE: 4"
AC: 2
SVM: 10
LEVEL: 10 (Fighter).
HP: 80 each

If they surrender days 1 to 10 only.


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(c) 1990, 2000, 2001 Brian Yap and Bradley Bush

29 December 2000