Wing Ting Mai 040



All Days

WTM 040


Drop Bridge: When anyone steps on the centre of the bridge it will open. The character will drop into the pond below. Roll above dex on 1d20 to stay on the bridge. The pond is fifteen feet deep. The lever to secure the bridge is at the tower end.
Spore plants: Stepping off the path in the indicated area will allow the spore plant to attack.
Quicksand: Entering the area indicated, the characters sink at one foot per round. Once underneath the quicksand, the character drowns in constitution segments (28 strength points required to pull character out).
Statue of a Minotaur: Entering a six feet radius around did statue will animate it.
Basidirond (MMII 15) THACO: 15
#ATT: 1
DAM: Hallucination
AC: 4
SVM: 15
MOVE: 6"

HP: 35

Special Attack: An invisible spore cloud extends for twenty feet radius. Anyone entering the cloud must save versus poison each round or begin hallucinating. Hallucinations last while within the cloud + 1d4 rounds. Effects (Roll 1d8):

  1. Individual is in a swamp (strips off amour to stop sinking).
  2. Spiders attacking (individual strikes area of floor to kill them).
  3. Individual has shrunk (shouts for help to return to normal size).
  4. Item held is a viper (drop it and leap backwards).
  5. Individual is suffocating (runs in random directions gasping).
  6. Associates are diseased (individual moves away from them).
  7. Individual is melting (stands howling and holding self together).
  8. Leech on back (Tears off anything on back and attacks it).

Special defences: Immune to Charm Monster, Hold Monster and similar spells. Cold based attacks do no damage, but slow movement by fifty percent and prevent spore attacks.

Minotaur (MC) THACO: 13
#ATT: 2
DAM: 2d4;2d4
SIZE: Large
AC: 6 SVM 14
MOVE: 12"

HP: 33

City days 1 to 19.

City days 20 to end. Going through the door.

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(c) 1990, 2000, 2001 Brian Yap and Bradley Bush

02 January 2001