Animal form will not initiate the calling. |

Smoky Form spell will keep the locusts away but will not
affect the guards. |
1 |
When they enter the swarm, a call (which they won't hear)
will be sent out to the Queen's Own Guards. Otherwise the swarm will ignore them. |
2 |
The locusts rise up, obscuring vision. (reduces to 10'). |
3 |
The locust guards attack. The locusts have surprise. |
4 |
The party must save vs Paralysation at 4. Characters who
fail, collapse holding their ears and are completely useless rolling on the ground with
pain (ED: This lasts 4 rounds). |
5 |
The fight continues. The party are at -2 to hit while in the
locust cloud. No spells can be cast from within the cloud and visibility is 10 feet. The
Locusts will fight to capture party members by reducing them to unconsciousness. |